X-Language Docs
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Getting Started

All development so far has been on Manjaro Linux. I cannot confirm yet whether or not this compiler works correctly on other operating systems/environments


  • Java 21
  • Gradle
  • Git
  • Clang 18.1.18 >


Clone the X-Compiler repository onto your local machine

git clone https://github.com/joshuawills/X-Compiler.git

git clone git@github.com:joshuawills/X-Compiler.git

Build the project using gradle build

You should now have a jar build file located at build/libs/X-Compiler-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

You can invoke the program like so.

java -jar build/libs/X-Compiler-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

Alternately, which is the method I prefer, you can create an alias to this command and call it xc. Place the alias in your shell startup file so that it always it set

alias XC="{path-to-project}/build/libs/X-Compiler-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" 

I recommend invoking the program with the -h flag to see all the options you can run the compiler with. For a simple example, write the following content to a file called hello.x

import std, io;

fn main() -> void {
    io::println("hello, world!");

Compile the program with the command xc hello.x -o hello and run the executable hello that is generated. Alternately, run the compiler with the additional -r flag to build and run the program in succession.